Monday, November 3, 2008

I could be one of those freaky librarians with lots of dogs. I'm not. But I could be one day. Yikes!

These are my pups.

p.s. this was done using Big Huge Labs, a Flickr fd toy.


Julia said...

Sweet pics. What kind of pups?

Leigh said...

Freaky librarians have lots of cats, not dogs. I'm afraid that you are actually a completely normal person! Now, if you had, say, horses and dogs and cats, that would be freaky!

Lily said...

My librarian is a freaky cat librarian. That dog butt is disturbing to me. How many dogs do you have anyways? Why no cats?

Kate said...

what beautiful babies you have, and what flattering photos of them! Every dog needs a tutu!

bks said...

Thanks guys. They're schnauzers and I have 3 of them. Well, the little one's father is a malti-poo but we keep that to ourselves. She looks enough like a schnauzer to me. (I am starting to love the poodle qualities I see in her though; they're very smart.)

And Lily, no offense, but dog butts are so much cuter than cat butts. I will pet your nose though, if you allow me.

loladimz said...

I know my boy is wearing reindeer antlers this year. Not sure how he'd feel about a tutu...