Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ok, I'm a little behind....I just set up a Google Reader account and subscribed to an RSS feed. And I have to say I'm impressed with myself (even though it was quite easy.) I was looking for some birding sites with RSS feeds but couldn't find anything really interesting. (Umm, not a lot of newsbreaking updates in the birding world, but I still dig it.) So, I went for tennis. Suprising how many sports websites overlook tennis. Hmph. Finally, I found that CBS Sports allows you to choose tennis specifically. I'm thrilled.

And here's a picture of (imho) the greatest men's tennis player of all time.

Ok, ok, it's Roger Federer for those of you who don't follow sports AT ALL.


Unknown said...

It's okay to be a little behind... or even a nice behind like Mr. Federer here.

loladimz said...

I would've said the exact same thing ("have fun, worry not about getting behind") minus the Federer-behind part.

What would be kinda nifty (could be RSS, could be email alert) is to let birders know when certain species of birds are swooping through their region and when they are leaving. Looked around for something like that. couldn't find it :(

Unknown said...

The Great Backyard Bird Count is pretty awesome. They have a blog, but only during the annual Count time (Feb).

Also the Audubon Society has a blog about Birdscapes:

Searching online for Texas Birding Blogs found this really cool one in Rio Grande Valley: